The Climate Fresk

In this section, we present the different offers that we propose
to our customers, depending on their needs.

1. Workshop for collaborators

The Climate Wall is a collaborative and scientific workshop game that allows understanding the mechanisms of climate change and what actions can be taken at the individual, collective, and corporate levels.
The Fresk consists of 42 cards; each card represents an aspect of climate change and the objective of the participant is to find the causal links between them (cause-effect).

The workshop is divided into 3 phases:
▻Creation of the Mural, using the collective intelligence of the collaborators.
▻Creativity and emotions. Download of thoughts and emotions, which are reflected in the Mural.
▻Ideation of actions and solutions at the individual, collective and corporate levels.

Based on scientific information (IPCC reports), the workshop allows us to learn a lot about the components of climate change and the solutions to be implemented. In addition, this activity is an excellent team building as it encourages collective collaboration, using of creativity and sharing of emotions.

You don't need to be a climate change expert to participate! Already more than 1,800,000 people in 50 countries participated in a Climate Mural.

Ejemplo del mural del clima

2. Workshop for steering committees or directors(CSR, HR, etc.)

The workshop methodology provides managers and directors with a better understanding of the climate change, which will generate:
▻Proposals nourishing internal sustainability strategies.
▻Actions of great impact.
▻Solutions building Corporate Social Responsibility, involving employees and with measurable results.

During the workshop, participants with a managerial or managerial profile will nourish the debate on what the organization can implement, knowing the context or the internal strategies, weaving a path of implementation in the short, medium and long term.

3. Your team can facilitate the Climate Mural!

This great tool can be implemented permanently and autonomously by training the organization's collaborators. Managers, Directors, Area Heads, or any collaborator are candidates for training. We offer two training modalities:

▻Inter-company Training: Participants are members of different organizations, which will enrich the ideas and solutions proposed.
▻Exclusive Training: A private modality with the participation of up to 10 members from the organization, generating specific ideas and solutions they want to implement.

4. We assist you with the deployment and implementation in your organization.

We will co-create a fully customized implementation plan tailored to your organization's needs. We will work closely with your team to develop and focus the solutions, enhancing your internal sustainability strategies.

We offer a tiered pricing structure based on the number of workshops, courses, or talks we implement.

Who is it for?

The workshop is suitable for both beginners and experts on climate change:
-The former will discover the topic and challenge their prejudices;
-The latter will deepen and structure their knowledge;
There is an adult version from 16 years and older and a beginner version to be played from 8 to 16 years.

On what occasion?

A Climate Fresk Workshop can be organized on different occasions:
- A training, as part of a climate change awareness plan;
- A team building activity among employees, through games;
- A seminar;
- A company CSR plan.

What format?

The Climate Fresk Workshop has 2 formats:
- In-person format
- Online format (virtual through collaborative tools)

The duration of the workshop is a minimum of 3 hours.

What for?

-The Climate Fresk Workshop allows you to understand one of the central issues of the 21st century, the causes and consequences of climate change.
- Participate in the transition movement of society
- Strengthen your CO2eq emissions reduction plan with strategy and planning.

Do you need more information?

Write to us and leave a comment so we can get back to you.

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